Click below to learn more about each Article of Faith:
Image of God - Genesis 1:26-27 tells us that humans are created in the image of God. We reflect the nature of God, and we are given a spirit by which we can be joined to God through the Holy Spirit.
Sacred Worth - All persons have inherent worth because all persons are made by God in His image. Worth comes from our Creator rather than any accomplishments in life. Life is a gift from God, and that life (bearing the image of God and worth from the Creator) begins at conception.
Fallen into Power of Sin - All human life extends from the first life that God created. The first humans rebelled against God and submitted the human race to the power of sin. All persons are born into sin, called inherited sin. We are broken and prone toward selfishness and rebellion against God. We are all guilty and have fallen short of God's holy standard. All persons are in complete need of God's forgiveness and grace to be free of sin's hold on our lives.
Unable to Save Ourselves but Able to Surrender to God's Grace - While we are unable to live righteous and holy lives without God's grace at work in our lives, we are able to surrender and receive the free gift of grace that God offers through Jesus Christ. We are given free will to reject God or to receive His gift. God pursues us first in His grace.
Sacred Worth - All persons have inherent worth because all persons are made by God in His image. Worth comes from our Creator rather than any accomplishments in life. Life is a gift from God, and that life (bearing the image of God and worth from the Creator) begins at conception.
Fallen into Power of Sin - All human life extends from the first life that God created. The first humans rebelled against God and submitted the human race to the power of sin. All persons are born into sin, called inherited sin. We are broken and prone toward selfishness and rebellion against God. We are all guilty and have fallen short of God's holy standard. All persons are in complete need of God's forgiveness and grace to be free of sin's hold on our lives.
Unable to Save Ourselves but Able to Surrender to God's Grace - While we are unable to live righteous and holy lives without God's grace at work in our lives, we are able to surrender and receive the free gift of grace that God offers through Jesus Christ. We are given free will to reject God or to receive His gift. God pursues us first in His grace.