Click below to learn more about each Article of Faith:
Grace - God's grace enables us to trust and believe in Jesus Christ for Salvation. This grace also enables us to follow Jesus. It frees us from the power of sin. Grace is forgiveness, but it is also God's blessing and transformation in our lives. We can do nothing to earn this grace.
Atonement - Atonement is the work that is done for us by Jesus Christ. Through the life, death by crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are given the gift of right relationship with God. Jesus suffered the punishment for sin, cleansing us and freeing us from the power of sin. When we receive the gift through grace, we are made one with God.
Justification by Faith in Jesus Christ - Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The work of Jesus is the only work that is able to both forgive us of our sinful actions and to free us from the power of sin in us. When we repent of our sins and believe this truth and trust Jesus to save us, we are justified and made right with God based on Jesus' holiness and sacrifice.
Sanctifying Grace - God's grace shapes us throughout our lives. After God's prevenient grace convicts us of our sin and our need for JEsus Christ, and after we receive forgiveness by faith through God's justifying grace, our spiritual growth continues. By God's sanctifying grace, we mature as disciples of Jesus Christ. The word sanctify simply means "to make holy." God's sanctifying grace shapes us more and more into the likeliness of Christ. As the Holy Spirit fills our lives with love for God and our neighbor, we begin to live differently.
Romans 12:2
"Be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God's will is - what is good and pleasing and mature."
Atonement - Atonement is the work that is done for us by Jesus Christ. Through the life, death by crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are given the gift of right relationship with God. Jesus suffered the punishment for sin, cleansing us and freeing us from the power of sin. When we receive the gift through grace, we are made one with God.
Justification by Faith in Jesus Christ - Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The work of Jesus is the only work that is able to both forgive us of our sinful actions and to free us from the power of sin in us. When we repent of our sins and believe this truth and trust Jesus to save us, we are justified and made right with God based on Jesus' holiness and sacrifice.
Sanctifying Grace - God's grace shapes us throughout our lives. After God's prevenient grace convicts us of our sin and our need for JEsus Christ, and after we receive forgiveness by faith through God's justifying grace, our spiritual growth continues. By God's sanctifying grace, we mature as disciples of Jesus Christ. The word sanctify simply means "to make holy." God's sanctifying grace shapes us more and more into the likeliness of Christ. As the Holy Spirit fills our lives with love for God and our neighbor, we begin to live differently.
Romans 12:2
"Be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God's will is - what is good and pleasing and mature."