Growth and Community
At Union United, we want to equip everyone with opportunities to grow and deepen their faith, while also building community with fellow believers. Whether it's your first time attending or one thousandth time, we have a seat saved for you.
Sunday School takes place every Sunday at 9:30 am, prior to our Worship service.
Current Classes:
Pre-K - 1st Grade
This class engages children at an early age to learn about God and the Bible. Fun activities, such as coloring pages, are used to help them understand the stories they are being taught. It is never too early for kids to learn about Jesus!
2nd - 5th Grade
This class teaches kids a deeper understanding of the Bible in exciting and fun ways, in hopes of them giving their life to Christ. Various books of the Bible are studied in depth by using RightNow Media and the Bible.
Middle School - High School
This 6th - 12th grade class discusses current events, peer issues, social influences, life changes and troubles, social "norms", etc. and what the Bible says about these things. Students will use video series, book study, and in depth reading and discussion of specific books of the Bible to facilitate learning.
High School Upperclassmen - College Age
This peer-led class focuses on one book of the Bible at a time, breaking down each chapter and applying it to our individual lives. Fellowship is greatly valued.
Temple Builders
This adult class uses a wide variety of materials to support and aid in the understanding of God’s word. Traditional, online video resources, book studies, etc. are used to guide robust discussions among class members. The relationships that have developed among participants has allowed the opportunity to have real, authentic discussions about the challenges of living a Christian life in a challenging world.
Home Builders
This adult class uses a traditional quarterly study guide that walks through various portions of the Bible throughout the year using the King James version. Participants will enjoy the opportunity to engage in relaxed conversations about topics outlined in the literature, but also involve the personal experiences of participants.
Kingdom Builders
This "older adult" class uses a traditional study from prepared literature to study the Bible, using the King James version. Several other versions of the Bible are used to help understand scripture as it relates to our lives and the world we live in today.